Welcome to Hunted Hero Comics! 🐱

We are a student-led comic publication
at CUNY Hunter College based in New York City 🍎

Be sure to join our Discord server, HHC's most active community!

What Does Hunted Hero Comics Do?

HHC is a student-led comic publication. We compile and publish student submitted comics and illustrations to our physical and digital semesterly comic issues.

Why Does HHC Exist?

Comics are one of the most powerful story telling mediums out there. At HHC we strive to carve our own community of artists and writers that support each other at Hunter College and the greater CUNY student body.

Why Should I Join?

If you are looking for a place to find like-minded individuals interested In making comics or illustrations then this is the place for you.

How Should I Join?

Get in contact with us using one of the resources available in LINKS (preferably through our Discord server 😊).

How Do I Submit Comics or Illustrations?

We accept and publish all CUNY student original comics and illustrations. So long as the editorial team can see that you put effort in your work. More information on HHC submission guidelines can be found here.